




SUNDAY LIGHT (14/02/21) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:            LIVING IN DIVINE AWARENESS   Texts:            Lk.10:23-24, Jn.8:32, Eph.1:16-19     INTRODUCTION: We are living at the time foreseen to be dangerous and difficult to manage (2Tim.3:1). Therefore, no reasonable person will exhibit any attitude of indifference to the events of the day. It is therefore, necessary to equip members of the Church with kingdom keys to unlock the store houses and engage the necessary tools to dominate their world while awaiting the coming of the Lord (Matt.16:19, 1Jn.3:1-3).  One of the areas of paramount importance is AWARNESS.   Our message shall come under the following points: (A) Awareness Defined (B) Awareness Explored.  
  •  Awareness Defined
  Awareness in our context can be described as a state of consciousness or knowingness; getting to be well informed of something. It can also be defined as the state of having knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exits. It has to do with someone living with the privilege or advantage of having actionable information/intelligence (Gen.3:8-11, 42:7-8, 48:17-20, 1Sam.3:3-18).   Awareness is a major key to success in the Kingdom of God (Jn.8:31,32,55, Eph.1:16-18). The quality of life exhibited in any field of endeavor is dependent on what one knows (Prov.24:3,4).   (B)   Awareness Explored   There are various areas of life that a child of God should have good knowledge and understanding of. This state of awareness is brought about by the operation of the Holy Spirit, hence the apostle’s prayer (Eph.1:16-18). In the series, we shall be considering some vital areas that no believer can afford to be insufficiently grounded on: namely eternity, rapture, judgment, authority, salvation, sanctification, etc.   ETERNITY Eternity is a realm of timelessness which commences for every mortal immediately after death. It is the realm of God’s existence in which time was created for the would-be creatures (Isa.57:15, Gen.1:1-8). At what point the invisible celestial world (angels and other spirit beings) was created is not clearly stated in the scriptures, however, they were made by the Lord and are to last eternally (Jn.1:1-3, Col.         1:16).   The terrestrial creatures were made to depreciate and decay after death. However, man possessing a spirit component may die physically and decay (Job 19:26), but continues to exist eternally (Eccl.12:1,7).   There are two worlds of eternal existence namely heaven and hell respectively. The first is the abode of God where there is indescribable bliss (Jn.14:1-3, Phil.1:23, Rom.21:7, 22) while the second is a place of unfathomable anguish (Matt.24:51,25:46, Mk.9:43-48, 1Cor.6:9-10, Rev.21:8). Into whichever portion an individual enters, there he remains/dwells throughout the rest of his endless existence.   It is therefore necessary for every reasonable person to prepare for eternity which approaches with every passage of time (Ps.39:4-6, 90:12).      
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