




CHARISMATIC HOUR Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:                             SPEAK TO THAT MOUNTAIN Text:                                    Mark 11: 12 – 14, 20 – 23 Our text portrays a great disappointment that Jesus experienced and how He reacted to it. Although, it was not the season of fig fruits, however, fig trees are known to retain their fruits all year-round. Based on this, Jesus expected to have some fruits of the fig tree at that time but was none except leaves. Then He just passed information to it (not a command), by faith.   We shall see the message in two sub-headings for our maximum benefit; (1) The Mountain Described and (2) The Message to The Mountain.  
  1. The Mountain Described
  The word mountain has different shades of meanings in English Dictionary. (i) A raised or a natural elevation of the earth’s surface, rising more or less abruptly (steeply to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2,000 feet (610 meters); a large mass of something resembling this, as in shape or size. (ii) A huge heap or a great mass. (iii) Anything of great quantity or size.   Generally speaking, anything big, great, domineering, overwhelming, overbearing, and oppressive due to its huge or massive nature is a mountain. Mountain obscures view due to size and height. So, mountain can represent any situation that makes the feature oblique, like; sickness, habit, threat, accommodation problem, disappointments, delays etc. Mountains of life are difficult situations of life.   Are you in any difficult life situation right now? Have you got any mountain you can’t tunnel through? There is good news for you tonight! That mountain has an irresistible message to be delivered by faith in Him who specializes in doing things impossible (Job 22:28)  
  1. The Message to the Mountain (Mk. 11:23, Mt. 21:21)
  The message to the mountain is not an appeal. It is information that it’s time to go – a quit notice. The passing of this information must be with the awareness that God is the one to execute it and that He has pleasure in doing it. That’s why Jesus said,”… have faith in God” (Mk. 11:22; Cons. Isa. 45:11b).   While telling the situation to quit, doubt is not allowed (Mk. 11:23). Note that it is God who will do and there is no place for doubt as to His capability to do it (Jer. 32:27). Let us now speak to those mountains in our lives to quit.   Fellowship Song: (HSCF 138)
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