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CHARISMATIC HOUR (28/09/21) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement

Topic:             LOOKING UNTO THE HILLS (Part II) Text:               Ps. 121:1-8

As we emerge from the Charismatic Week, the Lord has elected to beam His glory on the needy this October by the hands of His able representatives. Every Watchman must begin serious preparations, fasting and praying for the success of the events of the month, going all out to invite people, getting his or her vessels ready and looking up unto God for the great deluge that will follow. (Ps. 121:1-2; Isa. 40:3-5). We must come with great expectations to the programmes (Lk.3:15), making sure that we avoid any hindrance, negativism and despondency in attending all the meetings (Heb.10:25).

Having seen that our dependence on God is the key to success in our walk with Him, we must from henceforth come to him as our Helper, Keeper, Protector and Preserver. (Ps.121:1-8).

Today, we shall conclude this teaching as we consider the following points: (1) God, The Protector and (2) God, The Preserver.

  1. GOD, THE PROTECTOR (Ps. 121:5-7a)

Following the fall of man, the planet became a dangerous place in which diverse threats exist.  Man that was supposed to have dominion, became subject to another’s rule and extermination (cons. Gen. 1:26-28; 9:5 cp Deut. 7:22).

But when one comes into covenant with the Almighty, one of the benefits is divine protection or defence (Ps. 121:5-6; Gen. 15:1; Deut. 33:29; 2Chron. 16:9; Ps. 3:1-3; 28:7; 33:20; Ps. 34:7; 91:4-5; 125:2; Isa. 25:4; 51:16; Zech. 2:5; Lk. 21:18).

Notwithstanding the opposition or confrontation you have been experiencing from men or spirits, a sustained look to the hills of heaven will give you the desired result (cons. Ps. 91:4,10; Rom. 8:31).

  1. GOD, THE PRESERVER (Ps. 121:7-8)

To preserve means to save something from loss, damage, decay or deterioration; to keep safe from danger or death.  So there is some element of protection in preservation.

Now, when one comes into a relationship with God, He sets His machinery into operation to preserve the individual, so that the person could live to fulfil His purpose (cons. Pro. 28; Isa. 49:5).

And anybody that wants to unwaveringly enjoy the preservative power of God must conform to His word/rules (cons. Deut. 6:24; Ps. 31:23; 37:28; 91:1,3,7; 2Tim. 4;18).

The Lord desires that His covenant child lives in health and wealth so as to accomplish the purpose of his existence (cons. Rev. 4:11; 3Jn. 2).

What therefore is that threat to your life?  Be ready to take it to the Lord in prayer; pleading your cause (cons. Ps. 105:15; 91:3-8,10,16; Zech. 2:8).

And who is there that understands what it means to be the apple of God’s eye; let him arise looking up to the hills and rejoicing in prayer for the testimonies that are coming (Rom. 3:4).

Let’s rise up to pray.                                       HSCF 115, 123, 251

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