




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 310122- (EPISODES OF JOY)                                     WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                    2022 FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE    Jan. 24 – Feb. 13, 2022                                                                                                (Day 15) Theme:          EPISODES OF JOY Texts:            Jer.33:10-13; Zeph.3:14,15; Jn.15:11; 16:24

As we enter the last phase of this exercise, we wish to encourage punctuality and perseverance. The grace is available, and if anyone didn’t meet up, any day, that is not an indication to withdraw but rather to trust God for the last lap of the race (Heb.10:35-36; 38-39).

Our message today calls for good attention.

Title:   THE TOUCH OF TRIUMPH Text:    Matt.9:18-22

It is the story of a woman who refused to give up and so stayed up. Luke described her as one that had spent all her living on physicians (Lk.8:43), and Mark defined her as one that had suffered many things of many physicians – like an experiment animal (Mk.5:25-26).

She was a woman of determination who would allow neither her physical feebleness nor the firm opposition of the other needy multitude to bar her from hitting her goal – Touching the hem of His garment.

We shall look at ‘why she set the goal’ and ‘what followed’

(A) The Word-base of her Faith.

faith that does not have base flutters and fleets, but the stronger the base (or basis) the firmer the faith (Jas.1:6-8, Rom.10:17). God had commanded the Jews in Num.15:37-41 to wear fringes (Heb. Tsytsith means a floral or wind-like projection) in the borders (Heb. Kanaph, means an edge or extremity, a wing, a flap) and to put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband blue … which served as an outward symbol of one’s spiritual commitment and devotion to the God of Israel. The same instruction was repeated in Dt.22:12: you shall make fringes upon the 4 quarters (Heb; kanaph ie wings) of your garments …. Then, the prophecy of Malachi (Mal.4:2) showed that The Messiah called the Sun of righteousness (cons. Rev.1:16, 21:23, Matt.17:1-2) shall come with healing in His wings (Heb; kanaph).

This was why the weak woman as well as other infirmed people scrambled for the hem (Gk. Kraspedon means a margin, a fringe, an edge) of His garment (Matt.9:20) As she succeeded, her faith clicked. She was intentional; faith is intentional.

(B)  The Wonders of the Touch

The determined woman’s success in touching the border of Jesus’ garment ignited her faith which elicited a supernatural flow of healing virtue from the Master and she became whole (Matt.9:20-22). The sure experience was also recorded for multitudes that touched the hem of Jesus garment (Mk.6:56, Matt.14:35-36). These all triumphed over their unyielding predicaments (different health challenges!). The multitudes did not struggle like the woman but pleaded and were given the opportunity to touch.

Can someone who is seeking deliverance stretch out the hand of faith and touch the Master in prayer? Can the other person who has been weak plead with the Lord like the multitudes to give him/her the opportunity to access His provision?

It is a time to call upon the Lord in faith, nothing wavering, and divine energy shall flow into human situations to gender positive change (Mk.11:24, Jms.16:8).

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