




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 050322- (THE PEACE SIGNATURE)                             WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                      FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP MAY2022 EDITION   Day 2 Theme:       THE PEACE SIGNATURE          Texts:         Isa.9:6,7; Jn.16:33; 20:19-21,26; Eph.2:14-17

 In our preceding message titled ‘Peace for Saintly Pilgrims’, we described ‘peace’ from the Hebrew/Greek lexicon. ‘Shalom’ (Heb) has to do with being safe, well. Happy, healthy, prosperous. It covers the spectrum of tranquility and security. Eirene (Gk) describes harmonious relationship between parties, friendliness, freedom from molestation, order. It covers a sense of rest and contentment consequent thereon.

As a fruit of the Spirit, it is the state of quietness, rest, repose, harmony, order and security in the midst of turmoil, strife and temptations.

During the millennium, the Lord Jesus will be called the Prince (Heb. Sar means a head person) of peace (Isa,9:6) as was called the Lord of peace (2Thess3:16). Just as He became sin for us, and thenceforth our righteousness, so also is He our Peace (2Cor.5:21; 1Cor.1:30; Eph.2:14; Isa.53:5).

Everyone associated with Him is called unto peace (1Cor.7:15; Heb.12:14; 1Pet.3:10,11), expected to be a peace maker (Matt.5:9) and a peace giver, hence the salutations (Matt.10:12-14; Lk.7:50; 8:48)

Therefore, there should be peace in every Christian’s life, and relationship. NB: Peace of the mind is a major index of knowing God’s will on an issue. Love is the atmosphere or medium for peace. Wherever there is peace, there is the signature.

SIGNATURE is defined as a person’s name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a cheque, or document or concluding a letter. It is a remarkable mark of identification: it is synonymous with trademark, seal and sign (Jn.6:27,30; LK.5:1-11; cp. Jn.21:1-12).

The peace signature consists of the expressions that are consistent with the presence of peace, which include:

        i  Quietness of mind and habitat (cons. Phil.4:7): No strife; mutual understanding of partners. ii. Order and harmony (Ps.133:1-3): Respect for others; being in agreement and blending tastefully.       iii. Health (cons. Pro.4:23): The state of fitness       iv. Security (Rom.8:31,35,37): No fears or intimidation or feeling of threat.       v. Prosperity (3Jn.2; Isa.9:7).      vi. Divine power attracted by unity and harmony (Ps.133:3).      vii. Brokerage of peace for others (Matt.5:9; ct. Pro.26:20,22; 17:9; 16:28; 11:29).

As disciples of Christ, we are empowered to bring peace into homes and lives of men (Matt.10:11-13; Jn.16:33; 20:21).

Therefore, whatever be the signature of peace you need, it shall be granted to you, as you go to God in prayers (Phil.4:6,7,19; Jn.8:32; 16:23,24).

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