
AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT (Faith To Function And Flourish) – (Day 5)




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 270123- (AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT)                          WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                        2023 FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    Jan. 23 – Feb. 12,   (Day 5)  Theme: AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT  Texts:   Isa.25:1-8; 26:1-9; Acts 5:11-16

We are still handing down information that enables prosperity in midst of perils, having known that the mechanism of victory is knowledge based: identifying with God’s will and making the right arguments (Pro.24:4; Isa.53:11b; Jn.8:32).

Topic: FAITH TO FUNCTION AND FLOURISH Subtexts: Matt.14:22-33; Phil.4:11-13

We dwell at the very end of the church age, preceding the advent of the Lord, during which the hosts of darkness are at their worst, masterminding all forms of evil: sin, sickness/diseases, sorrow, suffering, etc (Matt.24:3-7,12; cp. Lk.18:8); therefore, the believer must be equipped to function and flourish amidst the constant demonic batterings and mayhems.

We are God’s offspring and possess His seed/’gene’ (Jn1:12-13; 3:3,5; Gal.6: 1Jn.3:9) and have been endowed with the capacity to withstand and conquer the challenges that pervade our society, and flourish therein. Our omniscient Father could not have begotten us into a system that will ultimately invalidate us (Lk.11:11-13; Jer.29:11).

Having established the faithfulness of the Almighty (earlier), it is incumbent on every child of God to express living faith at such a time (Dan.11:32b; Jas.2:17).

Faith is all about confidence in God, His word, and His ability. It goes with an assurance that the things revealed and promised in the Scriptures are true; giving the conviction that what is desired and expected in faith has come to pass. (Heb.11:1; 2Kgs.4:18-36; 1Sam.17:25-29, 32-50).

There are 3 basic components of faith based on variously recognized and emphasized models of faith vis –

  1. Cognitive Component: This is the basis of faith. It has to do with knowledge. It is the foundation/base of “faith–superstructure”. Its weakness will produce a fleeting or wavering faith that is impotent (Heb.11:6; Jas.1:6; 2 Tim.1:8-12).
  2. Affective Component: This is the feeling of assurance or trust expressed in attitude. This gives the stability to bear the strain of time. It is not mere human opinion but a “knowledge-based attitude.” (1Sam.17:26,28-37,41-48). The affective component may accommodate another called the Evaluative Component where Spirit-led judgment/assessment is made on the line of action. The evaluation is not a sequel to doubt but inspired by the Spirit on the course of action, assurance being still intact. (Rom.8:14; Acts 23:11; 27:20-22; 29-32).
  • Practical Component: This is the volitional, actional, and behavioural aspect of faith. The will is expressed in action, and behavior conforms with confidence. So mouth confesses and actions testify that God is on the throne and has done as He promised (1Sam.17:46-49; Rom.10:10; Gal.2:20; Eph.2:6; Phil.4:13; 1Pet.2:24; Isa.53:5).

Faith is the money (means of exchange or procurement) for the supernatural and grows with use (1 Sam.17:34-37).

A ‘grain-size faith’ is capable of accomplishing wonders (Matt.17:20; 19:26).

Knowledge of the word (where in the nature of God and His promises are revealed) is the bedrock of living faith (Jos.1:8; Ps.1:1-3; Jn.15:5).

They that eat the word shall function and flourish as heaven-backed agents of change (Jn.20:21; Ps.1:1-3).


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