








Click to download the pdf file👉 FIRST FRUIT FASTING (October 2023) – DAY 3   In this month’s message, we have stated that this is the time of rapid progression in the pace of exhibiting divine glory. We stated that there is a need to have an awareness of optimal attainment as Apostle Paul did (Phil.3:13). On the second day, we showed the way to the high-speed realm using the „Eagle-Phenomenon (Deut.32:11; Ps.103:5; Isa.40:31). Today, we shall be looking at  ACHIEVEMENT OF ADMIRABLE ACCELERATION Acceleration is simply “capacity to gain speed”. It is common to say that nothing good comes easy, so achieving admirable acceleration will not come without some investment. When speed is gained, momentum (impetus) increases. So, the talk about achieving admirable acceleration is for the exertion of influence and subsequent increase in the kingdom might and population (Jn.4:35). When one is steadily accelerating, speed continuously increases until the person begins to gallop or fly. To achieve the desirable status, there is (a) The God Factor (b) The Role of the Saint A) The God Factor: is a constant that indicates that growth comes from God (1Cor.3:6-7). He has laid the foundation upon which everyone builds: that is the finished work of Calvary (1 Cor.3:11); it is also the Lord that motivates and enables one into actions (Phil.2:13; Jud.24). Now, even though the Lord does all these, He expects His children to also do the needful (cp. Matt.7:6) B) The Role of the Saint is to obey the Lord in faith. This entails leaning on the Lord: trusting Him implicitly for sustenance (2 Cor. 3:5-6, Jn.15:26; 5; Isa.1:19; Job.36:11; Deut.11:8,9; 4; Num.13:1-3,20; Jos.1:5,7). The saint does not repose confidence in himself or his works but ascribes his success to God only. However, other necessary things required of a seeker will be found viz: i) Persistent Quest for Increase In Performance (Matt.5:6; Phil.3:13) The quest marker is evidence of spiritual liveliness; therefore, absence indicates stalling degeneration or death. The thirsty takes challenges from others and gets edified readily (Isa.55:1). ii) Participation In Spiritual Exercises (Gal.6:7; Mk.1:30; Lk.6:12) The Lord Jesus taught that the disciples will participate in the exercise when He departs from them (Matt.9:15; 6:16). iii) Partaking of Corporate Exercises (Matt.18:18-20; Lk.10:1-6,19; Act.4:23-31) The platform that has been terribly neglected is a key to success. There is immense power in plurality. Any believer who intentionally engages in these events will be launched into the realm of ever-increasing spiritual acceleration. This is the realm of the sons of God. (Rom.8:14, 19) who enjoy divine rest. (Heb.4:9-11). Sub-texts: Pro.4:18; Eccl.9:10; 1Cor.9:25-26; 15:10; Heb.1:8,9
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