






FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE Jan.22 – Feb 11. 2024 (Day 5) Click here to download the outline 👉 2024 JAN-FEB FFFP DAY 5 Theme: JUMPING IN THE JOY OF JUBILEE Texts: Ps.4:3-8; 32:11; 126:1-6 Sub-Texts: Matt.11:28,29; Phil.2:3-10   In a world filled with narcissism, covetousness, pride, ego, hatred, violence, immorality, high-mindedness, treachery, incontinence, hypocrisy, scorn, perversity and all manner of tell-tale-signs of the end time, the subject matter of humility cannot be overemphasized. (2Tim.3:1-5 1 Tim. 4:1-4)   Humility is defined as the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance. It was the first prescription that the Lord made to potential disciples. (Matt.11:28,29)   The word “lowly” came from the Greek TapÓ—inos (pronounced tap-i-nos’), which means depressed, i.e. (fig) humiliated (in circumstance or disposition). TapÓ—inos primarily means that which is low and does not rise far above the ground. It signifies lowly, of no degree, low estate (Rom.12:16), cast down (2 Cor.7:6), humble (Jas.4:6; 1Pet.5:5).   Humility is a grace that attracts more grace, as the Lord blesses the humble with divine resources (Jas. 4:6, 1 Pt. 5:5). Humility is the fertile soil for growing the fruit of the Spirit, hence the Master’s prompt recommendation to potentials disciples (Matt.11:28,29). Humility is the springboard of divine exaltation (Pro.16:12; 15:33; Jas.4:6,10).   Unfortunately, the lack of this grace has caused severe damage in the lives of many: marital relationships, academic, career, business, and spiritual lives.   Jesus is the Exemplar of humility as He lived it out by both precept (Matt.11:29, 18:2-4; Lk.9:23-26, 46-48; 14:7-11) and practice (Jn. 13:4-15; 5:30; Matt. 12:15-21).   The humble have the awareness that whatever he has was given by God, and so does not need to brag or feel unduly important (Ps. 75:6,7; 1 Cor. 4:7). This awareness of not being better than they on his own merit makes him sceptical to seeking to be brought to limelight (Jn.7:4; 6:15-17; ct. Pro.17:19), carry a servant like attitude (2 Cor. 4:5), adapt to the culture of others (1Cor.9:19-23), give God alone all glory (1 Cor. 3:7; Jn. 3:30), honour others (Rom.12:10; Phil.2:3), seamlessly associate with believers of low status (Rom.12:16), think soberly i.e. humble self-evaluation (Rom.12:3).   The grace that follows this awareness is so powerful that God Himself even gets thrilled when expressed. (Phil. 2:5-10; Lk. 15:17-21; 1Kgs. 21:29; 3:7-13).   King Solomon’s metamorphosis from a humble to a proud king is a warning to all that enjoy some credit (cp. Ezek. 28:12-15; Isa.14:12-17; 1 Cor.10:12).   Now, because of the indispensability of this quality, the Lord Himself does set up mechanisms to keep His people humble (cons. 2 Cor.12:7; Deut. 8:2-4).   Humility can be generated and sustained by:  
  • Being aware of one’s shortcomings, limitations and strengths.
  • Appreciating the strength of others.
  • Learning from colleagues and other resource persons irrespective of status.
  • Maintain the consciousness that God is All in All, and regularly give Him the glory. (1 Cor. 4:7; 2 Cor. 4:7).
  The highway of humility is the path to divine exaltation or prosperity.   It is such wayfarers that can enjoy a sustained Joy of Jubilee.
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