








FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE Jan.22 – Feb 11. 2024 (Day 15) Theme: JUMPING IN THE JOY OF JUBILEE Texts: Ps. 4:3-8; 32:11; 126:1-6 Sub-Texts: Matt. 5;5, 11:28,29 Click here to download the outline 👉 2024 JAN-FEB FFFP DAY 15-1 Meekness was one of the first qualities touted by the Lord during His sermon on the mount, and the first of the primary qualities recommend to prospective disciples. So it is a high flying quality.   Interestingly, this great quality is an analogue of another two admirable qualities viz: gentleness and humility.   In the Old Testament the Hebrew word translated “meek” was >ânâv which means depressed (figuratively) in mind (gentle). It conveys the meaning of dependence on God (Ps. 22:26, 37:11, 76:8-10, 147:6, Isa. 29:19, 61:1, Zeph. 2:3)   In the New Testament, the Greek word translated “meek” in Matt. 11:29 is praiŏs (pronounced prah’-os) from which the noun praiŏtes (pronounced prah-ot’-ace) translated meekness, came.   Praiŏs means mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit; so „meekness‟ (praiŏtes) is the disposition to be gentle, kind, indulgent, even balanced in tempers and passions, and patient in suffering injuries without feeling a spirit of revenge. (Ps. 25:9 cp. Jn. 18:19-23)   It can be exhibited toward both God and man.   Meekness towards God is that disposition of the spirit in which we accept God‟s dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting. (Ps. 25:9, 147:5,6, Lk. 22:42-44)   The meek acknowledges his weakness which propels him to softly endure the provocation of others (Prov. 16:32, 15:1) and not to withdraw from the burdens their sins may impose on him. (Rom. 12:14, Gal. 6:1, 2 Tim. 2:25, Tit. 3:2)   The meek wholly rely on God to defend them against injustice, rather than their own strength (Ps. 149:4, 76:9,10, Matt. 5:39)   Meekness towards evil people means knowing that God is permitting the injuries they inflict; that He is using them to purify the elect; and that He will deliver His elect in His time. (Lk. 18:1-8, Isa. 41:17)   The meek does not show any element of self-assertiveness or self-interest as meekness stems from trust in God‟s goodness and control over situation.   Meekness carries a strong element of self -contentment (Prov. 30:7-8) and is a dimension of love, the very nature of God (1 Jn. 4:8,16; Eph. 4:1-2, 1 Cor. 12:4-7)   The beauty of this quality makes the possessor docile, teachable, lovable, trust worthy.   Absence of this grace has caused the breakage of relationships, delays in marriage, denial of promises, disruption of services, destruction of the lives of the erring, diseases and possibly deaths (spiritual and physical).   Meekness is a product of the Holy Spirit and requires the submission/cooperation of the elect to be entrenched (Gal. 5:23, Phil. 2:13, Rom. 12:1,2)   Acquisition of this grace is by:   Acknowledging one‟s need for it as we reflect on moments of exhibition of its lack  
  • Crying out to God for assistance as we consider the Lord‟s faultless relationship with offenders. (Jn. 18:19-23, Lk. 9:52-56)
  • Consciously doing the scripturally recommended when challenges call, having the understanding that whatever God permits has a divine purpose. (Jos. 1:8, Isa. 1:18, Jer. 29:11, Rom. 8:28)
All those that submit to the working of the grace of meekness shall be rewarded (Matt. 5:5, Ps. 37:11, 149:4).
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