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  • The Inspiration of the WORD.
  • The Incubation of the WORD.
  • The Inoculation and Intubation with the WORD.
  Topic: THE INSPIRATION OF THE WORD   Subtexts: 2Tim.3:16-17; 2Pet.1:21   The word ‘inspiration’ comes from the Greek ThӗƏpnӗustƏs (pronounced theh-op’-nyoo-stos) which means ‘divinely breathed in’, ‘a breathing into by God’. It is viewed as divine-spiration or the product of His creative breath.   Apostle Paul saw the scriptures as not only inspiring to read or the authors were divinely inspired but that its origin means that it is the very word of God: Spoken words of God (Rom.3:1-2); when scriptures speak, God   speaks (1Cor.6:16; Heb.3:7; comp. Ps.95:6,7; Heb.10:15). So the scripture has to do with God’s direction of the prepared human authors to compose and record His message to humanity in their original writings.   The authors were prepared to write in as much as the prophets were prepared to speak (Jer.1:4-9; cp. Exo.4:8-16; 2:10; Acts 7:22-25; 1Sam.3: ;Isa.6:1-9; Ezek.2:3-3:11; Amos 7:14-15; Gal.1:15; Rev.1:10-11,19).   The Apostles were received as authoritative by the early church as the Old Testament prophets under inspiration (1Cor.2:9-14; 14:37; Gal.4:16; 1Thess.2:13; 5:27; 2Thess3:6; 2Pet.2:3). Apostle Peter referred to Paul’s writing as scripture (2Pet.3:15-16 inferred in Jude 17,18).   God Himself originally wrote the Decalogue (Exo.24:12; 31:18; 32:16), and does dictate to chosen authors (Exo.34:27-28; Rev.1:10-11). He uses the writer’s personality, theological meditations and literary styles. Inspiration was not always continuous in the writer’s mind (Jer.1:2; 14:1; 26:1). The divine inscripturated message often surpasses the writer’s understanding (Dan.12:8-9; LK.10:23,24; 1Pet.1:10-12).   It should be noted that the Biblical authors were not always aware that divine inspiration was at work in them (LK.1:1-4). The apostles did write divinely inspired letters in responding to questions and by stating their opinions (1Cor.7:1,25).   So in God’s human project, selected vessels are exposed to environments and experiences that will equip them for the assignment of speaking or authoring the sacred messages as with Moses, Luke, Paul and the Lord Jesus.   At the time of writing or speaking, God infuses His mind, thoughts, plans, ways to them to speak, think, write and talk like Him.   In God’s Master Plan, about 40 authors from different backgrounds in a span of over 1500 years are to produce the supernatural congruity, a divine masterpiece that stands as the very word of God to mankind; bearing life for all dimensions of man’s existence (Heb.4:12; Lk.4:4; Pro.18:10; Ps.138:2).   It contains divine plan, purpose, prophecies, promises, principles and precepts, revealed to be harnessed for a victorious pilgrimage (Deut.8:3; Ps.119:49; Isa.46:10; Jer.29:11; Matt.24:35; Heb.6:17,18).   The word of God is living and so has inherent life-releasing effect.
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