






WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT 2024 FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP (June Edition)(Day 3) Theme: THE TREADERS UPON THE HIGH PLACES Texts: Deut.32:9-14; Isa.58:14; Eph.2:1-6   Click to download the outline: Live view will also be available across these channels:   Our message for this 6th month has to do with our calling to dwell in the height of spiritual life, where opposition to fulfillment of purpose is habitually dismantled by the forces of God’s kingdom (Josh.5:13-15; 2Kgs.6:15-17; Rom.8:31; Heb.12:22). We started with the awareness that treaders upon the high places must have to be stable in their realm viz their placement in Christ Jesus in the heavenly places thus ensuring double layer of divine protection at the vantage position where they are in control (Eph.1:22; 2:6). They know that their opponent is a defeated foe and they share divine privileges. They also know that there is a purpose in their divine apprehension, and they discover and meticulously align with it.   On the second day, we explored the activities of highlanders who are known to pursue after pleasing God and so are addicted to soul-winning (Jn.8:29; 20:21; Lk.19:10; Mk.8:36). This evangelistic purpose is achieved by precept (1Cor.9:16) and deliberate maintenance of an impeccable Christian life (Jn.8:46; Acts24:16). The Lord Jesus is their ultimate Model (Matt.11:29; Jn.8:12).   Today, we shall be looking at:   Topic: THE AVAILABILITY OF ANOINTING AND POWER FOR END-TIME HIGH FLYERS   Subtexts: Isa.10:27; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:14-21.   Following the inauguration of the church age on the day of Pentecost, with the Holy Spirit baptism, the apostle Peter informed the mixed crowd that they were witnessing the fulfillment of Joel’s prophesy. This marked the unrestricted availability of the Holy Spirit to mankind.   Prior to this, the Holy Spirit was ‘rationed’ to selected persons for specific works or services, empowering them to function: Priests (Lev.8:12; Exo.40:15), Kings (1Sam.10:1-4; 16:5-13), Prophets (1Kgs.19:16).   In the New Testament, some anointing is received at salvation, though in a small measure (Joel 1:12; 2Cor.1:22; 5:5; 1Jn.2:27).   Anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit in a believer that enables him to appreciate, appropriate, apply and administer spiritual truths. It is a treasure (2cor.4:7; Jn.16:12,14). It enables supernatural functioning; and grows with the availability of nourishing factors.   The nourishing factors include:- spending time in the Word; leading a life of intimacy with the Lord: prayer, worship, guidance, obedience; putting the anointing into operation or practice; fellowshipping with like-minds. Manifested anointing is a symbol of consecration.   The early church put a premium on it by promptly equipping new converts with grace (Acts 8:14-17; 10:44-45; 19:1-7).   Anointing establishes authority (2Kgs.2:18-19), locates missing blessings (1Sam.10:2), attracts resources and helpers (1Sam.10:2,3); and advances the beneficiary (Lk.4:14). It transforms the beneficiary, making him fit for Master’s use.   Power in our context refers to the ability or capacity to do something. It includes the anointing of the Holy Spirit received, as well as the agents of heaven that work to support citizens of the kingdom (Matt.4:11; Lk.22:4; Heb.1:!4;   12:22).   The Lord has always made His power available to His people to lead a prosperous life (Deut.8:18). But the enemy will always strive to resist the progress of God’s people.   Now, in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, the kingdom of darkness knew that they still had some time to live outside their eternal abode (Matt.8:29). But with the passage of time (about 2 millennia) and knowledge of the expounded prophecies, they have come to know that their time is short; and so are doing all possible things to resist the church. They have come out with their entire arsenal to resist the fulfillment of the church’s purpose (Eph.5:25). And the righteous Lord is heedful of this (cons.Isa.46:9-10; 49:15-16; Acts 15:18).   However, the believer must be aware that irrespective of the stiff opposition, he is more than a conqueror (Rom.8:37; Matt.28:20).   The believer must appreciate that the well-equipped obtains better results (Acts 1:4-8; Matt.25:14-19). And that enthusiasm and diligence improve the results of service (cons. Lk.19:11-27; Pro.10:4; 12:24; 13:4; 22:29).   It should be further noted that the progressive working God is inclined to unleash a greater move of His Spirit at this end of the church age than He did at the beginning, seeing that at this end-time is the expected manifestation of the other items of the prophesy – turning of the sun into darkness and the moon into blood (Acts 2:19-20; Hag.2:9; Joel 2:23).   High flyers appreciate the place of intimacy with the Lord and so make themselves available for use: to act as able representatives of the Lord in these last days (Jn.14:12; 20:21; 5:17-22).   Treaders upon the high places or high flyers know that they have the full support of the Holy Spirit and the hosts of heaven and so maintain a warrior’s disposition (Heb.12:22; Matt.28:18-20).   Anointing and Power are available for all end-time high-flyers to productively represent the kingdom (Jn.15:16; 12:24,25).
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