DAY 6 Outline – HOLINESS THE HALLMARK OF CONSCIENTIOUS CITIZENS (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)








Click to download the outline on PDF: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 6   Theme:         RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts:             Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14 Topic:            HOLINESS THE HALLMARK OF CONSCIENTIOUS CITIZENS   Subtexts: 1Pet.1:15,16; Heb.12:14,15   One of the cardinal signs of the time preceding the 2nd advent is the propensity of deception, hence Jesus’ prompt admonition to take heed… (Matt.24:4-5, 11-12). He foresaw the insidious seductive operations of the fallen angels that generate supernatural manifestations garnished with iniquity and all forms of wickedness, for men that are more interested in earthly fame and comfort than in eternity.   Today, we see and hear of ‘ministers’ of God who are very loquacious and popular with the media, dispensing doctrines of devils that deflate the fear of God in the heart of the uninformed, and make God’s people to err through presumptuous sins (Ps.19:13; 1Tim.6:3).   But for any believer to be divinely enabled to thread upon the high places of the earth, symbolized or depicted as ‘juggling’, such must be mindful of holiness.   Holiness is the ‘sign of genuineness’ of a conscientious Christian.   To urge participants to follow the noble course of holiness, we shall bring the message under 3 points:  
  • Holiness Assayed
  • Holiness Acquired And Retained
  • Holiness: Advantages
  This subsection aims to explain what true holiness is. It is not just some external decoration or arrangement that give the false impression of piety and sacredness as demonstrated by the Pharisees (Matt.5:20; 6:16; 23:1-5, 14, 23-28).   The Greek word Hagiasmŏs translated Holiness (5x) and Sanctification (5x) in KJV means purification i.e. (the state) of purity.   It is primarily an intrinsic quality (Matt.5:8; Jer.17:10; 1Sam.2:3; 16:9). Hagiasmŏs signifies separation to God (1Cor.1:30; 2Tim.2:13; 1Pet.1:2), and the resultant state; the conduct befitting those so separated     (1Thess.4:3,4,7). It is the state predetermined by God for believers in Christ, into which in grace He calls them, and in which they begin their Christian course and so pursue it (1Pet.2:9). So, it is not a negotiable or optional state. It is rather compulsory (Lev. 11:44,45; Mic. 6:6-8; Habk. 1:13; 1Pt. 1:15,16; Amos 3:3)   (B)  HOLINESS ACQUIRED AND RETAINED   As soon as a sinner repents and is regenerated, he has acquired this nature of God and so is called a saint (Greek–Hagios). He has become separated from sin unto God as a citizen of the kingdom (1Pet.2:9; Phil. 3:20).   Such a person is required to walk in that newness of life (Rom.6:4; Col.3:10); Consciously alienating anything that can tamper with the life of the new state (cons. Rom.12:1-2; Jms. 4:4); seeking to discover all traits within that can mar the gracious life, and extirpating them through prayers and discipline (Ps.139:23,24; 1Thess.5:22,23); and diligently learning the skills found in Jesus’ life (Col.3:12-14; Ps.1:1-3). By so doing this divine state of separation from sin unto God is retained.   However, holiness without love is a fabulous façade and a spiritual scam, hence the existence of strives and squabbles amongst holiness assemblies (Lam. 1:1,5-6; Jer. 2:1-3)  
  Holiness makes for intimacy with God and maturity (1Pet.1:16; Deut.10:12-13); builds peace with God and men (Heb.12:14); births spiritual strength and stability (Heb.1:8,9); creates environment for the products of the Holy Spirit (Gal.5:22,23); begets divine exaltation and the attendant benefits (Gen.5:24; 1Sam.2:30); and ultimately leads into an eternity with God (Rom. 6:22; Rev. 21:27).   No knowledgeable believer makes a fake show of his faith, but rather lives to please God in righteousness and true holiness. (Lk. 1:75; Acts 24:16)
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