
DAY 10 Outline – LET THERE BE LOVE (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)








WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 10 Theme: RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts: Isa.8:18; 49:5; 58:8-11,14 Topic: LET THERE BE LOVE Subtexts: Jn.13:34,35; 17:26; 1Pet.4:8   The principal quality that keeps the church (GK Ekklesia) meaning the called-out ones) is love. It is the very essence of God which has kept the Godhead together for eternity (1Jn.4:8,16). When it is absent in an assembly, the gathering ceases to be a church of Christ but a social club with a religious emblem. (Jn.13:35) It is the link that holds believers together in harmony and cements the various virtues in place in each life (Col.3:14). For the church to make a divine impact at this end-time or believers to sustainably ride upon the high places of the earth, there must be the expression of love. Rather, what we see in the church, because of the drought of love is scheming, striving against perceived „threats‟, sentimental appointments to offices, selfishness, stealing from church purse, swindling the church, sowing seeds of discord, speaking evil of dignities, slandering both innocent and erring members and all manners of stumbling blocks perpetrated by the flesh. The unrivaled position of love in the kingdom made the Lord Jesus specifically pray for it during His last general intercession for His disciples (Jn.17:26) after highlighting its place to His disciples (Jn. 13:34,35) We shall describe love, define its character, and state its benefits. WHAT IS LOVE? There are different kinds of emotions called love which the Greek language spelled out viz eros (sexual passion), filia (friendship), storge (family affection), and agape (Divine, unconditional affection). The love in question is agape which is that kind of attitude that God expressed towards man by giving His only Son for their salvation (Jn.3:16; Rom.5:8) Christian love is that attitude of affection expressed towards God first and all men premised on God‟s injunction to love God and all men (Matt.22:36-40). It is not an impulse from the feeling, neither does it always run with the natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered. It had its perfect expression in Jesus Christ. (Jn. 15:13; Lk. 10:33-37) HOW DOES LOVE BEHAVE? Whenever the divine nature is functional, the following things are noticed (1Cor.13:4-7). Endurance, kindness (being useful to others), absence of envy, boasting, or haughtiness; not conceited (inflated with pride), not rude (courteous), and not acting unbecomingly (cautious); not insisting on own rights or own ways; for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or resentful; takes no account of evil done to one; does not rejoice in injustice but rather when right and truth prevails. It bears (roofs over) all weights/offenses, it is not suspicious but believes; has fadeless hope, and it endures everything without weakening. Love speaks the truth without accusing; answers without arguing, and avoids contention. It gives without expecting anything in return; listens without interruption; forgives without recollecting the past; and endures without complaining. Love keeps promises. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? The benefits of love are innumerable for both the individual who lives in it as well as the body of Christ. This nature of God nurtures a sense of security and emotional stability, providing a foundation upon which individuals thrive and pursue their goals and aspirations. Spiritually, it is a nest upon which other virtues are laid (Gal.5:22,23; Col.3:14). When adorned with love, a little Jesus is in the scene, and all possibilities are on the table. So take a decision to put on a charity whose primary expression lies in obedience to the word of God (Jn. 16:21,23; 1Jn. 4:19-21)
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