
DAY 18 Outline – THE DANIEL IN THE DEN  (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)










CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OUTLINE: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 18   Theme: RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts: Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14 Topic: THE DANIEL IN THE DEN Subtext: Dan. 6:1-28 Daniel belonged to the 1st batch of deportees from Judah in the reign of King Jehoiakim in the year 605 BC. He was of noble descent (Dan. 1:1-4) and his name meaning God is my Judge reflected in destiny. He was not reckoned as one of the prophets of Israel because there was no record of saying, “Thus saith the Lord”. However, he was a seer that had the word of God and had deep insight into what most prophets of his time were ignorant of: even the end time events – the coming Christ and His enthronement as King of Kings. His career followed closely that of Joseph except that he was made a eunuch (not by choice).   He became a captive as a youth and chose to be a role model (Dan. 1:6-8). He was envied, hated, and unjustly persecuted after he found employment in the King’s court (Dan. 6:3-6). The hardship turned to be an escalator to places of honour. Through interpretation of dreams he was exalted to rulership.   Our text shows that this event was the last major challenge that he had on his way to glory, having earlier weathered different challenges with his Hebrew colleagues. (Dan. 1:1,4-6, 3:8-25)   Our message shall come under 2 points: (A) The Den of Lions (B) The Daniel in The Den.   (A) THE DEN OF LIONS   Lions are apex predators in the jungle. They belong to the cat family and are a proverbial symbol of strength (Judg. 14:1). They are known to be daring and powerful (Prov. 30:30) and distinguished by terrifying roar (Isa. 5:29). They could be tamed to an extent and kept in the palace but untamed ones are kept in pits and used for execution.   Tamed lions are not fed with human flesh otherwise they will start eating humans and so are not used for the execution of enemies or criminals.   Now, in the case under survey, the arena was enclosed and there were many hungry lions, each of them capable of killing and eating the righteous man. The odour of the den was not pleasant and there were no seats or beds for anyone to sit or sleep on. Yet the man emerged unscathed because a messenger was sent from heaven to intervene (Dan. 6:22)   The den of lions is an allegory of the challenges that come the way of saints who choose to unreservedly follow the path of righteousness in an ungodly clime (Ps. 35:1-11, 52:1-7, 69:1-18, 70:1-5, 71:1-7, 74:18-23, 119:157)   This kind of thing happens in the villages, when a believer refuses to compromise; especially where there are compromising people who may be   older in the “faith”. It happens when a spouse refuses to engage in sinful acts proposed by partner. At the place of residence or business, it can happen when neigbours are traffickers of demons and the believer is spiritually active. It can happen to people that work in offices when some ungodly person(s) is envious of the favour being enjoyed by the believer. It can happen to a student that refuses to compromise by giving her body or paying money for marks.   The same God that quenched the violence of the fire by the Hand of the 4th Man in the fire, also bound the mouth of the lions such that there was no appetite or strength to harm (Dan. 6:22, 3:12-25, Jer. 32:27)   Remember, all these miracles happened during the time that God’s people were under God’s judgment. The miracles happened to people that chose to remain special before God. They got elevated thereafter.   (B)    THE DANIEL IN THE DEN   Daniel was a young man that refused to compromise his faith. He counted God righteous in all His dealings and so never got offended with his exile and the loss of his manhood (Cons. Ps. 119:128, 145: 17-20). He was addicted to living right (Dan. 6:5)   Daniel sensed the plot against him when the law was being discussed and promulgated by his colleagues and never fought for himself (Dan. 6:10; Isa. 41:13; Prov. 16:3; Ps. 34:18; Ex. 14:14)   He might have prayed against the law being passed but the Lord chose to leave them to have their way, that His glory may be seen (Jn. 9:3; Ex. 10:1-2; Isa. 55:8)   Daniel did not get offended with the King who was seduced into signing the law, but kept faith with God and went to pray as usual. From the record of the scriptures, he was a man of gratitude and expressed thanksgiving in the prayers (Dan. 6:10; Phil. 4:6; Ps. 111:1-6, 95:1-7)   The man Daniel had faith in God’s insurmountable ability, for he had known about the quenching of the violence of fire in the previous empire (Dan. 3:19-25; Heb. 11:34), he witnessed God turn a proud King to a herbivore and restore him after 7 years (Dan. 4:29-37). He had witnessed the fingers of God writing judgment to an unconscionable king and promptly removing him (Dan. 5:20-31). He believed in his God, and emerged unscathed (Dan. 6:23). An angel was sent to attend to him (Dan. 6:22 cp. Ps. 91:11-12; Heb. 1:13 -14). Meanwhile, the insecure people that plotted to remove him out of the way never lived to threaten him further in the kingdom (Dan. 6:3-4, 24; Isa. 54:17; Deut. 28:7)   Who is there that has decided to follow the Lord like Daniel without reservation? Let him/her know that he/she is in the Lord’s watch list – not for evil but for perpetual preservation (Ps. 34:15). The oath made to Abraham remains viable and valid. He will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you. (Gen. 12:2-3)   Let’s rise to pray and affirm our decision to follow Him come what may.
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