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FIRST FRUIT FASTING (August 2023) day 3
Texts: Isa.10:27, Matt.4:12-17
We have so far established that we are in the third phase of our Elijah-like ministry, so we are bound to witness such power of God that will
deliver jubilations in the lives of multitudes; and that there is a
need to acknowledge the availability of God’s anointing (operational power) to fulfil His program.
Yesterday, we saw that it takes
knowing the Person and purpose of the Holy Spirit (anointing), craving for the anointing, requesting for it, and exercising faith to access the power. The Lord Jesus described Him as another Comforter (Gk.
Paraklētos means
one summoned, called to one’s side, exp.
called to one’s aid, intercessor; consoler) and the Promise (Gk.
ĕpaggĕlia means
a Pledge, an announcement. It is a law term denoting summons) of the Father.
Today, we are looking at the last subheading:
Subtexts: Prov.18:16, Acts 1:4,9, 1Jn.2:27
Our subtexts say “A man’s gift maketh
room (Heb.
rȃchab pronounced
raw-khab’ means
to broaden, enlarge) for him; and …the same anointing
teacheth (Gk.
Didaskō denotes
to cause to learn, to effect learning) you of all things …”
Our God is a God of increase or growth and so desires His people to grow (1Pt.2:2, 2Pt.1:5-9, 3:18). So, every great man in the kingdom was once a
babe (Gk.
Bréphǒs means
a neonate or an infant). And in the process of development, the believer passes through
childhood (Gk
nēpiǒs referring to
a child that is not speaking or without the power of speech as in 1Cor.13:11) unto
adulthood or perfection/maturity (Gk
tĕlĕiǒs means
complete as in Phil.3:15).
Apostle Peter’s shadow did not heal on the day of Pentecost or there around, neither was aprons taken from the body of Apostle Paul on the day of his conversion nor soon after. But with the passage of time, they grew to become enigmas (Acts 5:15, 19:12). Even Philip the usher that saw to the distribution of food developed into a miracle-working evangelist (Acts 6:2-5, 8:5-8).
These servants of God did not get to their realms of operation by wishful thinking, but rather by diligent intentional effort (Phil.3:12-15, 1Cor.9:24-26).
In God’s kingdom, there is provision for an increase in the level of anointing operational in a believer or ministry as depicted in Ezk.47:1-9. There are also diverse kinds of grace available (1Pt.4:10).
The gospel is not spread by the intelligent ideas or expressions of orators but by the power of God (1 Cor.2:1,4-5). And vectors of power understand that “Evidence speaks for itself” (Jn.9:24-32, Ex.4:8-9) and so the believer must determine to be purveyors/vendors of supernatural manifestations and marketers of the kingdom of Christ (Phil.1:21, 3:12, 1Cor.4:1-2).
It is common knowledge that every New Testament saint is better positioned to access God than every old testament saint including Moses (Matt.11:11, Heb.8:6).
Howbeit, the great men of the New Testament age did not fold their hands to only confess their positions in their comfort zones, but rather went to work with some definite goals and SCORED the success (Prov.29:18, 2 Tim.4:7).
The believer must understand that spiritual exercises boost the operation of the anointing (Gal.6:7; Jn.15:5-7, Mk.16:20). The place of fieldwork in the development of a believer cannot be overemphasized hence the Lord’s actions in Matt.10:1-16, Lk.10:1-10, 17-20).
The believer must understand that the talent/anointing sidelined is an anointing shrivelled (Matt.25:24-29). Lack of use makes moribund, while frequent use births maturation and magnification (Lk.19:26). It is time to go into the field and work for the Lord. It is time to use the gifts received to change lives and replenish the kingdom (Matt.28:18-19, 20:6,9). Anointing is operated like the engine that combusts fuel as energy for its operations; so consume the word of God (as fuel) to flourish in service (Jos.1:8, Jn.15:5-7).
And while in the field, the believer should use the Lord as his yardstick of performance as regards the gifts of the Spirit that He deployed, as well as the fruit of the spirit that He displayed:
Manifestation of wisdom (Matt.22:15-22; Jn.8:2-11,59; 10:39);
Faith (Jn.4:43-50; 5:1-9; 6:19);
Working of miracles (Jn.9:4-7; 6:5-12; 2:1-11);
Revelation of the secrets of the heart (Jn.1:40-42, 45-49; 4:15-20, 27-30);
Release of words of wisdom (Jn.3:1-10, 6:48, 10:1-12). These challenges will spur the believer to pray for a lift unto higher ground.
As you go into the field of operation: no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper (Isa.54:17), no poison is potent and no serpent is poisonous (Mk.16:17-18). Dry bones are metamorphosed by the declarations of your mouths (Ezk.37:1-11); and all mountains shall move at the words of your mouth (Mk.11:23-24, Nah.1:5-8).
When these supernatural events are taking place, faith will unequivocally increase and altitude will continually rise: the way is being paved for a greater tomorrow (1Sam.17:34-37).
It is time to go to a higher altitude where one soars in the cushion of abundance; so avail yourself of the August anointing (Rev.4:1).
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FIRST FRUIT FASTING (August 2023) day 3