
September fast fruit fasting Day3






Click to download pdf file👉 FIRST FRUIT FASTING (September 2023) – DAY 3 EDITED

       WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP (SEPTEMBER EDITION) Day 3 Theme: GRAVITATING TO EVER-INCREASING GLORY Texts:   2 Cor.3:7-18; Col.1:21-27   Let the Lord september-fast-fruit-fasting-dabe glorified for the grace that has taken us thus far in this awesoseptember-fast-fruit-fasting-dame program.   We have seen that by the working of the Holy Spirit to conform to Christ’s image, the believer grows from glory to glory and that the presence of Christ in a believer’s life is this hope of glory. We went further to say through the topic “Teeming with glory” that a believer or congregation should be loaded with the glory of Christ: displaying the character and ways of God which is love. Yesterday, we considered “Tacit (understood or implied without being stated) Track to Superlative Splendor” where we showed 4 practices that pave the way to divine metamorphosis viz Walking with God, Worshipping intensely, Profound praying, and Eating the word. They enable us to continually behold the glory of God thereby exerting transformation unto perfection of our lives (2 Cor.3:18).   Today, we shall be looking at:   Topic: THE TRIUMPHANT IN GLORY Subtexts: Jn.1:14,29,36, Phil.2:3-11, Heb.12:2, Rev.5:1-7   The Lord Jesus Who is the brightness (effulgence) of God’s glory, and the express image of His substance, yielded to death in order to redeem the only terrestrial creatures made in God’s image (Heb.1:3). This obedience made Him qualified to open the seal which none other could (Rev.5:5). He is currently sitting at God’s right hand ruling the universe and having a name more potent than that of the Father (Mk.16:19).   Jesus is the First fruits of the resurrected new covenant saints (1Cor.15:20,23); and will continue to rule until He has put down all enemies and then deliver the kingdom to the Father (1Cor.15:24-28).   This Omnipresent Jesus dwells in every believer by His Spirit and constitutes the HOPE of glory (Jn.14:16-17,20, 16:17; 2 Cor.5:5, Eph.4:30, Phil.1:6). The presence of Jesus is the guarantee of the fulfillment of ALL promises of God accruing from Christ’s earthly mission: interim and eternal (Col.1:27) viz: good health (3Jn.2), prosperity (2 Cor.9:8), resurrection (Rom.8:1, 1Jn.3:2), heavenly inheritance (Eph.1:14).   The believer that does not take his position in and possession of Christ for granted as Lucifer did to his honourable status, and trusts the Lord as Jesus trusted the Father (Jn.8:29, Lk.23:26), will assuredly triumph at the end of his terrestrial journey, for Christ in us is the HOPE of Glory (Col.1:27; 2 Cor.3:18).    The watchman must now take a decision to enter the realm of ever – increasing glory irrespective of the lawlessness of this end time (Matt.24:12 LK.18:8 cp Matt.25:6-12).   It is this decision to agree with God’s purpose that will permit the Spirit of God to take hold of you and do a thorough work in your life; for as free moral agent, the space given to Him to occupy, is the space he occupies even though He continues to work in your mind to give Him space (Jos.24:15, Isa.1:18, 19, Rom.12:1,2, Phil.2:13, Rev.3:20).   Irrespective of the negative experiences that one has had, there must be a renovation of the mind to accept the truth needed to succeed at this perilous time, for truth carries the power of liberation (Jn.8:32 cp Isa.5:13).   It is the day of the Lord; it is revival time: nobody can afford to remain weak when the Lord is strengthening His body (Prov.24:10, Joel 2:23, 27-29, Zech.12:8).   It is time to gravitate to the realm of every-increasing glory.  
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