






FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE Jan. 22 – Feb 11. 2024 (Day 3) TOPIC: TRIUMPHING THROUGH TENACITY Tenacity or Tenaciousness is the quality of being able to grip something firmly, being determined, and persistent, irrespective of the opposition/challenge. Sub-Texts: Gen.32:22-31; Lk.18:1-8 Click here to download the outline 👉 21DAYS FFF DAY3 – 2024 JAN-FEB Theme: JUMPING IN THE JOY OF JUBILEE Texts: Ps.4:3-8; 32:11; 126:1-6     It was displayed by Jacob in his bout with the angel and it yielded the dividend (Gen.32:22-31). The Lord Jesus likewise recommended it through the parable of the unjust judge and wondered if it would be present at the time preceding His second advent (Lk.18:8).   Unfortunately, today, that concern of the Lord is justified as believers are timid (lack confidence), weak, fearful, and trepid. They don’t hold their conviction to the end. They get easily swayed by public opinion (cp. Exo.23:2; 1Thess.5:22), or throw in the towel when the going gets tough (cons.2Tim.2:3; cp. Heb. 10:36-39; Pro.24:10).   However, this quality exemplified by Jacob in the bout with God’s angel is essential in kingdom life and business, hence the sieving of the soldiers who came out to go to battle with Gideon (Judg.7:1-7; 8:4). Ruth was tenacious in following Naomi (Ruth 1:11-18).   The Watchman is a type of Gideon’s army and so members must be adorned with this prominent quality of tenacity.   At this end of the church age when the devils are resolutely mounting all forms of opposition to resist the sincere (through unyielding challenges), relapse the simple (through pernicious temptations and deceptive doctrines) and ruin the lives of the unwary, the child of God must resolve to be determined (Jn.10:10; 16:32,33; Acts 14:22; Eph.4:14; Tit.3:10).   In describing the spiritual conflict engaged in by believers, apostle Paul used two Greek words translated as “wrestle” in KJV namely ӗsti (pronounced es-tee) which means “consisteth, must needs”, and palẽ (pronounced pal’-ey) which means “to sway or vibrate”   The sense is this: being in a world infested with adamant devils that don’t readily give-up, we must needs or consistently engage in a battle akin to swaying each other to see who gives up. The bout is therefore not a one-off thing (con. Lk.4:13).   Though we are flesh or mortals, we have the advantage of the victory of Christ and support of the heavenly beings in every battle (2Cor.10:3-5; 1Tim.6:12; Heb.12:22-24; Rev.12:11).   Whilst victory is guaranteed for the obedient, any underestimation of the enemy will be very costly (Hos.4:6; cp.Dan.10:11-14).   Whatever good thing we engage in, we are required to persevere amidst all prevailing challenges; never giving up our conviction (Heb.10:38,39).   As we continue in the 21-day exercise, we shall not drop out by the wayside.   And as Gideon’s army, we shall tenaciously hold unto our godly purpose and pursuit, and victory will be guaranteed as God is on our side (Rom.8:31).
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