








FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE Jan.22 – Feb 11. 2024 (Day 17) Theme: JUMPING IN THE JOY OF JUBILEE Texts: Ps.4:3-8; 32:11; 126:1-6 Subtexts: Matt. 10:41, 2 Tim. 2:20,21, Heb. 13:17 Click here to download the outline 👉 2024 JAN-FEB FFFP DAYS 17 CONNECT LIVE     As earlier stated, for optimal enjoyment of the blessings of the era, there is a need for knowledge of things to be done: things that influence God and yield great dividends. Among such is the appreciation of the anointing.   There is a need for a paradigm shift in this culture in our dear ministry. We must move from indifference (and sometimes hostility) to supporting and appreciating the anointed.  
  • Definitions
  Voting is the act of formally indicating one’s choice for a person or course of action. It is an expression of support for something that someone is saying or doing. Venerable means esteemed, stately, august, dignified, and revered. Vessels in our context are instruments of God   The message is tailored towards a general shift of attitude to embrace people that the heavens regard, namely servants of God in our midst.  
  • Details
  Although all souls are of equal value in eternity (Ezk. 18:4,20), there are people on earth that the Lord has accorded some honour and expects men to also honour. These include (i) men in authority/position (Ex. 22:28, Rom. 13:1) (ii) Parents who are like human gods to their offspring; failure to do so is very regrettable (Gen. 9:20-27, 49:3-8, Deut. 21:18-21, Prov. 20:20, 30:17) (iii) Ministers of God: are positioned to bring down the blessings of God, remove the curses placed on people by any creature and also bring divine retribution on the wicked (Ezk. 44:30, Matt. 16:19, 18:18-20). The scripture commands that such ministers should be honoured (1 Thess. 5:12-13, Heb. 13:17)   Ironically, such persons that possess divine honour are more revered by distant persons than by those close to them (Mk. 6:4)   But people that understand kingdom principles know that promotion comes from God, and so when anybody is promoted, they accord their respect (Ps. 75:6,7, Tit. 3:2). They know that once someone has been anointed by God, he is never to be despised even if he backslides (Jude 9).David understood this principle so well that though he had been anointed to lead the nation, and the backslidden king was after his life to terminate it and supposedly “waste” his anointing, yet he would do him no hurt (cons. 1 Sam. 24:4-7, 28:8-11)   Miriam, the prophetess learnt the need to respect the anointed in a very hard way (Num. 12:4-10), while Korah et al never lived to learn the great lesson (Num. 16:16-35). Anointed Moses reversed the parental curse on Reuben and Levi; but the damage done to Simeon seemed too late to reconcile as the tribe was already off the radar at Moses’ time (Deut. 33:1-3, 6, cp. 49:3,4)   The Lord Jesus revealed that identifying with the fulfilment of the mission of any genuine minister will yield the prophet’s or divine reward (wages, hire) of that ministry in eternity (Matt. 10:41, 42), which begins with an interim remuneration (cons. Mk. 10:30; Ezk. 44:30, Eccl. 18:4; 2 Kgs. 4:8-17, Phil. 4:19, 2 Cor. 9:6-8)   As we withdraw from persons that speak evil of ministers and show commitment to supporting ministers and their families through prayers and act of kindness, then let’s watch out for the prophesied divine overflow in our lives and families (Phil. 4:19, Ps. 126:1-5)
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