








Click to download the outline on PDF: Live view will also be available across these channels: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP JULY 2024 EDITION Day 3   Theme:    The Great Friend from Heaven Topic: JESUS, THE WOUNDED FOR OUR TRANSGRESSIONS Texts: Jn.1:9-11, 5:1-7; Matt.8:23-27; Isa.53:3-12   INTRODUCTION: The perfect will of God is simply that these revelation teachings/messages like every other form of ministration should benefit all of us maximally. Scriptural proofs, as well as practical proofs of today abound to the effect that we, and our loved ones should be bountifully blessed through them.(Isa.45:19).   It follows therefore that we can TODAY receive ALL that we want  – salvation, sanctification, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing, etc; All we   need is to simply believe, and then receive. On the part of the Lord, He is standing by to confirm these teachings (Jer.1:11-12; Isa.55:10-11; Mk.16:19-20).   Today, we are bringing yet another revelation on the Person and ministry of Jesus. We are considering Him as:- (1) Jesus, The   Wounded For Our Transgressions. (2) Jesus, The Bearer Of Our Sickness.  
  1. JESUS, THE WOUNDED FOR OUR TRANSGRESSIONS (Isa.53:3-12; 1Pet.2:24; 1Jn.2:1-2)
  After reading Isaiah’s narrative (Isa.53), the Ethiopian Eunuch asked Philip, of whom was the prophet Isaiah writing (Acts 8:27-30)? The answer was that the prophet wrote about Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 8:35).   It is this same truth and this same Jesus that we are re-stating in our generation.   The Hebrew word translated ‘wounded’ means ‘to bore’ i.e. by implication to wound, to dissolve; figuratively to profane (a person, place or thing). It was also translated as profane, pollute, defile, break.   So, that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions should be seen appropriately. It is not just that the Roman soldiers that executed Him wounded Him (see Matt.27:27-31,35). It is more than that. He was derobed of His glory (Phil.2:5-8). He was seen and regarded as a man (Jn.10:33); a Samaritan (Jn.8:48); a devil (Jn.8:48,52); a mad-man (Jn.10:20). He was molested badly, misunderstood and opposed vehemently (Matt.27:19- 25). Finally, He was tortured to death (Matt.27:27-50). All these put together are what the prophet declared as being wounded for our transgressions (Isa.53:3-12).   THE IMPLICATION The implication is this – All men are commanded to believe this truth and turn to God (Isa.45:22; Mk.1:15). Once this is done, salvation is recorded, i.e. sins are forgiven, name is written in the book of life (Lk.10:20). This is how all peoples of all ages get saved (1Cor.15:1-3; Acts 8:26-30)  
  1. JESUS, THE BEARER OF OUR SICKNESSES (Isa.53:4,5; Matt.8:16-17; 1Pet.2:24).
  In Isa. 53:4, the Hebrew word translated ‘borne’ means To (bare, lift) up, (take, carry) away while the word translated ‘griefs’ means malady,   calamity, anxiety.   The  body of Jesus was marred  (spoiled)  as no one else’s had been (Isa.52:14). This was not without signification. This was in exchange for our own sickness-Prone bodies. This means that every believer who becomes sick should look behind to see that that ailment had already been given to Jesus. He/she therefore ought not to carry it further (1Pet.2:24)   This is the reason He demonstrated it by removing all the sicknesses of all those who came to Him (Matt.8:16-17; Acts 10:38).   IMPLICATION: Today, the same truth is operational as before. Our business is to believe and look-out for the confirmation of truth.   Let’s pray.     HSCF:168
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