
DAY 2 Outline – Jesus Has Hitherto Remained THE GREAT FRIEND FROM HEAVEN (OCTOBER 2024 FFFP)








Click to download the outline on PDF: catch up with the event across these channels:   WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP  OCTOBER 2024 EDITION                                                                              Day 3 Theme: THE GREAT FRIEND FROM HEAVEN Texts: Matt.8:23-27, Lk.24:13-32, Jn.1:9-11, 5:1-7   INTRODUCTION: Throughout the First Fruit Fasting Fellowships, we expounded the theme: ”The Great Friend from Heaven” – Jesus. It has been a time of opening the eyes of understanding of the multitudes that participated in the meetings, to the truth of God, and demonstrating the force of freedom that follows revelation of the truth (cons. Jn.8:32).   In this Charismatic Hour session, we will show that Jesus has hitherto remained THE GREAT FRIEND FROM HEAVEN though unknown or poorly known by many. Let us consider the following case studies:-  
The impotent man had been in this pathetic condition for 38 years. It looks evident that before coming to the pool, other means that he or his relations could afford were exploited to help him out, but to no avail. When Jesus, out of pity, given the principle operational of the pool and his condition, came to help him, he, because of ignorance of the One that spoke with him complained of having no helper.   This is exactly the way multitudes of the people of today behave. Because the name of the Person of Jesus does not make much meaning in their minds, they complain of not having a way out, though someone tries to present the Great Friend From Heaven. As a result, they remain in the sorrowful situations. And there are such people here in the fellowship this evening.  
The case of the disciples of Jesus is different from the case of the impotent man. The disciples had been with Him for quite sometime now. By this time, they had heard and/or seen some of His miracles (eg. Matt.4:23-24; 8:1-3, 14-17). They had also seen what faith in His person and word could do (Matt.8:5-13). Besides, they had heard his famous and authoritative sermon on the mount (Matt.7:28-29).   Is this not how it is with many people today in the church? Though they have heard His word, heard testimonies of His doings, seen some of His miracles, yet there is still some veil left upon their minds. As a result they still fear, making the challenges of their lives appear insurmountable.   Time will fail us to consider/relate the situation of those who did not bother to know who He was, but dismissed Him and His doings (that should have convinced them) because, to them, it was an unusual phenomenon (Mk. 5:1-11).   It is a time to take the veil off our minds, a time to know Jesus as the angels know Him and even as the devils know Him. Our today’s prayer is,   Lord, we want to see and live; we want to see and win, we want to know and be free.   Who can we concisely say that this Great from Heaven is? Jesus is the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 22:13), Who opens and shuts, and none can do otherwise (Rev. 3:7). He created all things (Jn. 1:3, Col. 1:16) and walks in the midst of the church searching out everything going on therein, and able to crush whatsoever He deems fit with His brazen feet (Rev. 1:14-15, 2:18, 19:12-15).   He quickens whomsoever He desires and does not have a rival (Jn. 5:21-23) . He paid an incontestable and unequivocal price (Creator becoming like His creature and dying most wretchedly and miserably) to secure liberty and prosperity for mankind (2 Cor. 8:9, Heb, 2:9).   Therefore, like blind Bartimaeus, let the needy, sick, oppressed etc. cry out for His assistance in his challenge (Mk.10:46 -53); and with the determination of the woman with the issue of blood, hold unto Him in faith (Mk.5:24-34), and the Great Friend from heaven will assuredly announce your freedom.   Let us pray.
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