
DAY 2 Outline – KINGDOM OPERATIONS (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)








Click to download the outline on PDF: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 2 Theme:         RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH   Texts:             Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14 Topic:            KINGDOM OPERATIONS Subtext:    Matt. 12:22-28   After our introductory message explaining the era, it is necessary to give some insight into things of the spirit that will equip all with resources to excel in the season (Prov. 24:4; Jn. 8:31-32)   Ignorance has caused untold and unnecessary suffering to citizens of heaven whom Jesus died for (Hos. 4:6). It is very true that there is a place of suffering for Christ (1Pt. 1:6,7; 2Thess. 1:5,6; Phil. 1:29), however, this does not include suffering due to the ignorance of what belongs to one. (1Pt. 4:15-17; Hos. 4:6)   One of Satan‟s subtle strategies is to convince believers that suffering lack (of what Jesus has paid for) is God‟s will. On another hand, Satan tries to push those who have come to the awareness of the provisions of the cross into the scandalous error of materialism, covetousness and carnal aggrandizement. This gives room for scandals and all manner of vituperation against the gospel, thus inhibiting the spread of the faith (Phil. 3:19; 2Sam. 12:14). The truth is that temporal things should not be given priority over eternal things which are considered weightier matters; but must be given adequate attention, as their lack affects the spread of the gospel.   We shall define the kingdom and discuss its operation.  
  A kingdom is simply a territory ruled by a king (or a queen) who often came into office through inheritance or by conquest.   The Greek word being translated kingdom is basilӗia which means royalty, rule or concretely a realm (figuratively or literally).     It applies to physical world where human beings rule (Matt. 4:8), as well as the spirit realm where there are two classes viz light and darkness. The kingdom (Power) of darkness is the realm where Satan and his associates have sway. While the kingdom of light is the sphere or realm where God and His Christ reign i.e. the sphere in which at any given time, His rule is acknowledged. Though the earth is a seat of rebellion against God, Who has not relinquished His sovereignty, a divine program is on course to break the rebellion and entrench His rule on this planet. (Ps. 22:28, 145:13; Dan. 4:25; Rom. 13:1,2; Dan. 2:44, 7:13-14; 1Cor. 15:24,25) So, the kingdom in question is referred to as the Kingdom of God, and kingdom of heaven (which specifically is the political kingdom set up by the Messiah after His return).   Every one born again is a citizen of that kingdom (Phil. 3:20; Col. 1:13)  
  Every kingdom (or institution or association) is kept by laws and order (Matt. 12:25), where there is not such, the system will collapse (Matt. 12:26). Where there are no rules and regulations, the gathering scatters. And where there are rules/laws but no organ of enforcement, the association fizzles away through chaos or conquest (Gen. 11:6-9, Judg. 18:7, 28)   Order is integral in God‟s nature as reflected in the creation of physical things and establishment of social system: giving rules and regulations (Gen. 1:1-28, 2:15-17, 9:1-7; Ex. 20:1-19; Deut. 5:33, 6:1-3; Matt. 5:17, 11-29)   In God‟s human-project, laws are put in place to sustain human existence which scientists and social scientists are discovering. And in His kingdom, laws/principles were placed for the progress of the citizens bearing in mind that God Himself is in need of nothing (Ps. 50:10-13, 24:1; Gal. 6:7-9; Lk. 6:38; Matt. 7:7-8; Eccl. 4:9-12)   It is these laws, or working principles or regulations that the believer must seek to know so as to prosper (Prov. 25:2, 24:4)   To make for order, there was the introduction of respect for: a set of persons viz:  
  1. Parents, who are like the human-gods of their children, and the commandment to do so had an attached promise (Ex. 20:12; Prov. 23:22; Eph. 6:2). Retribution follows transgressors (Gen. 9:18-27; Prov. 20:20, 30:17)
  1. Aged persons, who are experienced in life, having weathered storms and are in position to advise (Lev. 19:32; 1Tim. 5:1-2,19)
  • Spouses, are to respect each other (Eph. 5:21; 1Pt. 3:7)
  1. Government functionaries, who are put in position in the overall interest of the populace (Rom. 13:1-7; 1Tim. 2:1-2)
  1. People in authority in the church, who are placed for the service of the Lord (1Tim. 5:17; Heb. 13:7,17). The Lord seriously frowns at those that cause trouble in church through sedition insubordination, arrogance, tale bearing or strife (Num. 12:16)
  Peddlers of presumptuous sins and victims shall have a day of reckoning when their lack of fear of God will be accounted for (Ps. 19:13; Matt. 7:21-23, 15:13; Lk. 13:24-28; 1Cor. 3:16,17)   Let all those who have directly or indirectly caused disorder in the church repent in dust and ashes (1Cor. 3:17)   Let all persons strongly resolve never to participate in anything that will cause disorder in the home, office, school or house of God; and to religiously follow revealed laws of the kingdom.   We shall continue with our exposition on principles of the kingdom.
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