
DAY 11 Outline – CHARTING A CREATIVE COURSE THROUGH CHRIST-LIKE CONFESSION (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)








  WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 11   Theme: RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts: Isa.8:18; 49:5; 58:8-11,14 Topic: CHARTING A CREATIVE COURSE THROUGH CHRIST-LIKE CONFESSION   Subtexts: Pro.18:21; Rom. 10:10   One of the banes of many Christians is the ignorance of the power of the tongue. This has caused untold hardship and even hatred in relationships, balkanized assemblies and frustrated the blessings that pervade a united assembly (Ps.133:1-4).   The Lord Jesus mastered the use of the tongue and was never faulted therein: thinking before talking (Jn.8:1-9), never allowing any person to pressure Him to speak (Lk.11:53-54; Matt.22:15-22), ensuring gracious words emanate from the mouth and yet rebuking those that needed reproval (Lk.11:27; Matt.23:13-23).   We find Him selective in His words and interjecting the influence of negative statements made by the uninformed (Matt.9:24; Mk.5:35-39; Jn.11:11).   Our message shall come under the following points:
  • Words Are Active
  • Speakers Determine the Direction
  • Faith Confession is Viable
  Though words are abstract (cannot be perceived by sight, touch or smell, etc), yet are active and produce effect irrespective of the source (Gen.1:1-3,6-8; Prov. 18:21; Acts 18:21; Isa.55:11; Heb.11:8); and the effect can sometimes be formidable (Jas.3:5-6; Num.13:23-44).   The dreadfulness of the tongue does not lie in its functions as an organ of taste, mastication, deglutition (swallowing food) etc but rather in its product – the spoken word.   The character of a word lies in the nature of its source, purpose of the word and content of the word.   If the source is evil or tainted with spiritual pollution, the spoken word will carry evil effect (Gen.3:1-6; Ps.140:3; Rom.3:13).   If spoken by the holy, it will carry a holy aura (cons. Lk.12:27).   Words of the Creator and of creatures have inherent ability to create life or death (Pro.18:21; Isa. 55:11; Jn. 6:63b).   The believer must appreciate that though he is human whose body is terrestrial, he is celestial in position and called to lead a spiritual life     (Eph.2:5,6; 2Cor.5:7). Failure to understand this has made many entangled with their natural limitations and unable to rise up to maximize their potentials.   (B)    THE SPEAKER DETERMINES THE DIRECTION   While words spoken consciously or unconsciously exert some influence, it is definite that a consciously spoken word with definite intent carries greater force than aimless ones (Isa.55:11; Mk.11:23).   In the kingdom, after salvation, the babe is expected to learn how to speak the language of the kingdom (Jas.1:26; 3:9-12; 1Thess.4:11; Col.4:6).   The Lord Jesus avoided glorifying Satan of his works and focused more on His desired result. (Jn.11:11; Mk.5:35-39).   This does not mean that when reporting a matter, the story is not told exactly as it occurred to the authority.   However, for personal health, the believer should learn to speak scriptures: living words that are profitable (Matt.12:37; Pro.18:21; Ps.118:17; Phil.4:13, etc).   This attitude should reflect in appellations: give positive names to offsprings and avoid reflecting the negative experiences being undergone in the naming of the baby (Gen.35:16-18).   (C)    FAITH CONFESSION IS VIABLE   The impatient that wants to see an immediate result and the ignorant and lazy that wants to replace industry with confession of the scriptures may say that confession of faith is a ruse. But God’s word says otherwise and testimonies are replete to attest to its authenticity. Confessing the scriptures (or any truth) clears the cloud of doubt or fear created by any negative circumstance. Faith comes from hearing (which takes place as one confesses the word to himself or others); and faith has the potential to create the necessary things (Rom.10:10,17).   The kingdom of God is full of working principles. There is the principle of prayers; there is of confession of the word, there is of giving to receive; there is of industry (diligence), etc. Each of the principles is suitable for its time.   Confessing the promises of God can create avenues to access what is needed which can be hard work.   An undeniable effect of confession is the tranquility it brings to an erstwhile troubled mind (Pro.4:23, 18:21b; Mk. 11:23; Rom. 10:10b).   We must henceforth discard the habit of blowing Satan’s trumpet, through talking ceaselessly about the negative things around, and switch to confession of God’s promises and scriptures to pave way in this earthly wilderness.
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