
DAY 20 Outline – BEHOLD YOUR REHOBOTH  (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)










CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OUTLINE: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 20   Theme: RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH   Texts: Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14   Topic: BEHOLD YOUR REHOBOTH   Subtext: Gen. 26:1-33   As the GS said, “You are what you know”. Therefore, to improve your life, you need to know more. And it is said that the quality of a man’s life is a function of what he knows.   We are at the terminal part of the 21-days exercise and so are enjoyed to take the message at hand with every seriousness.   Our text is about the life of a covenant child who obeyed God at the time of famine to dwell in a land and had challenges. The first was the threat on his wife which the Lord quickly neutralized. Then after, he sowed in the famine and got a bumper harvest (100-fold and not 100%). He waxed great until he became very great. The people of the land envied him and began to resist him; filled up with sand all the wells his father had dug. Then feeling insecure, the king asked him to leave the area that he had settled on.   He recovered the wells that were stopped. And in his new location he dug a new well which the inhabitants (shepherds) claimed and he called it Esek. Another well was dug and the antagonists struck again; and he called it Sitnah. Then he dug a 3rd which no one contested and called it Rehoboth because he saw the peace as a sign of his prosperity.   The Lord confirmed his faith with an appearance reaffirming His promise (v. 24). He began to further expand, and the erstwhile envious Abimelech came with an entourage to reconcile and make a covenant for a lasting peace (v. 24-30); and prosperity continued.   Behold your Rehoboth shall be exposed under:
  • Rehoboth outlined
  • Rehoboth obtained
  • Rehoboth and onward
  (A) REHOBOTH OUTLINED   Rehoboth means open spaces, broad spaces. It has to do with a place that has room for one to flourish. It is a time of enlargement, rest (Jubilee) and recovery of the things lost or seized (Joel 2:25; Isa. 49:25, 46:4, 44:3, 40:31). Rehoboth season goes with ability, or power or anointing to achieve it (Zech. 4:6; Acts 10:38; Mk. 16:20).   Isaac was living in obedience to God’s injunction, yet the opposition was there to deter him, envy and jealousy were there; the physical resistance that denied him access to his wells was there (Ps. 94:1-11, 42:6,10). There had   been Esek (means Quarrel, Contention) and Sitnah (means Hatred, Hostility, Enmity) before the third well that no one strove against – Rehoboth).  
  • REHOBOTH OBTAINED (Gen. 26:22-23; Num. 23:19)
  The All-knowing God is a Master Planner. He has time for everything (Eccl. 3:1-  
  • and makes use of even the wicked (Prov. 16:4; 1Kgs. 22:19-23; Rom.
  9:17) Isaac moved from one challenge to another and refused to give up. He never considered going to Egypt which God has earlier warned against. He continued to dig. Remember, that he had recovered the stopped wells of his late father but was refused access. He then dug 2 fresh wells in his new location but to no avail. Then came the 3rd well and the antagonists didn’t show up. He saw it as a sign of liberation and expansion. He abandoned the wells of contention and enmity and got the well of expansion (Ps. 30:5, 93:1-4). He refused to be fixed to his distraction but remained positive as he advanced to get new sites. We are in the 3rd week of our exercise (digging spiritual wells). We have completed 2 wells and on the 3rd – Rehoboth.   You must focus on your future (goals) and leave the distractions attracting your attention. The battle is the Lord’s and victory has been won (Jn. 19:30; 1Jn. 3:5; Col. 2:15).   Your Rehoboth is here in all fields of endeavor, so prepare for your sheba (oath): the place of promises turning to divine oath, fulfillment, completeness.   (C) REHOBOTH AND ONWARDS   As soon as Isaac sensed the change of tide and called the well Rehoboth, he moved to a place that offered expansion Beer-sheba (meaning “well of Oath” or “well of Seven”). And there the Lord confirmed his perception with an APPEARANCE and attestation of the Oath that He made to his father Abraham.   Shortly, insecure enemies came around for reconciliation and lasting peace (Gen. 26:26-30). Then water was discovered again confirming Rehoboth.   Within 7 days of completion of this exercise, Sheba-mode will commence. The Lord will apprehend people that had made promises or that forgot their responsibilities, and make them do the needful (Est. 6:1-6). Things will begin to fall in place; water will find its level. Foes will stretch out arms of friendship. Eyes will be opened to see wells in your vicinity (Gen. 21:19). Court cases will be withdrawn or closed in your favour. Restoration of health will take place. Visa issue will be concluded in your favour. The Lord will show a way in that which was tagged “No way”.   Get ready to move from level to level as you abide in His way (Isa. 60:22, 66:22, 6-14; 41:17-18)   Behold your Rehoboth, Arise and claim it (Isa. 60:1).
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