Topic: Should I Wait For The Lord Any Longer?
Texts: 2Kgs.6:2433; 7:1-2,16-20
The Lord honours the declarations of His servants whether they are positive or negative as seen in Prophets Elisha’s case.
The duty of the people of God is to accept and align with the word and prosper (2Chro.20:20). Almighty has everything need to bring every declaration of His servants to pass. We are in the day of the Lord proper, and all things are possible when we gather together to pray.
The Lord does at times expect us to act in His stead in whatever capacity that He has called us. And we are called to pray.
Matt.18:18-20 – Appreciate the Lord for the grace and the truth of the Scriptures.
Ps.12:4-8; Eccl.5:8 – Let the Lord destroy all the oppressors in the nation that are holding the nation on her throat to suffocate
Isa.25:7 – Let there be the divine removal of spells holding people down so that they can see the terrible state of their country and seek the health of their land.
Isa.43:19; 269 – Pray for the divine removal of anything hindering the nation from emerging as an economic power.
Deut. 24:7 – Pray against the kidnapping rackets: that the Lord will expose them; and that the arms of the law will catch up
with them.
2Kgs.7:5-7 – Let the Lord send strange noise to the terrorist and let them return to where they came from.
Num.16:46-48 – Pray for the restraining and neutralization of the plague. It has hindered church activities.
Isa.8; Pro.19:21 – Let the Lord thwart any agenda to use the plague for any mischief.