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CHARISMATIC HOUR (21/09/21) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement

Topic:             LOOKING UNTO THE HILLS Text:                           Ps. 121:1-8

We bless the Lord for the great Charismatic Week outing; the insight into the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ and the testimony that followed. Today, we wish to inform you that a major key to success in a walk with God is to depend on Him i.e. developing the habit of looking up to Him for help always. (Cons. Jn. 5:19,30; 8:29).

And all the people of old who got hold of this principle led healthy lives stuffed with hope expectations amidst challenges (cons. Ps. 23:4).  The Lord would have His people live with great expectations in all circumstances, and to be estranged to negativism and despondency.

We shall analyze our text under four subsections:

1. GOD, THE HELPER (Ps. 121:1-2)

The inspired writer spoke of lifting up the eyes to the hills (The original Hebrew word translated hills here means ‘mountain range’).  The dwelling place of God was depicted as a mountainous range which could be referring to the physical temple at Jerusalem being sited on a mountain (cons. Ps. 125:2) or heavenly Jerusalem (cons. Ps.15:1, Heb.12:22).

Now, lifting up the eyes to the hills has to do with looking up to God for help.  It expresses dependency (cons. Ps. 123:2).

The understanding of the sympathetic nature of God will help someone to trust better and make requests with great faith (cons. Ps. 78:39; 103:9; Heb. 4:15; 1Pet. 5:7).

2. GOD, THE KEEPER (Ps. 121:3-5a)

A keeper is a person who looks after something so that that thing is retained and not lost.

When one comes into a covenant (agreement) with the Almighty, He uses His resources to retain the individual so that the relationship is not broken.  His keeping role could be exercised directly (cons. Gen. 28:15; Ps. 34:9-10; 105:15; 121:4; 1Pet. 1;3-5; Judg. 24; Rev. 3:10) or by the agency of His creatures (Ps. 91:9-12; Heb. 1:14 cp. Lk. 4:9-12).

The inspired writer understood that the never sleepy God watches over His own (cons. 2Chron. 16:9; Ps. 121:3;  ).

What therefore is that circumstance causing fear and apprehension in your life?  Table such to the able Helper and Keeper of Israel who neither sleeps nor slumbers.

HSCF 115, 123

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