




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 310122- (EPISODES OF JOY)                                         WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                    2022 FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE    Jan. 24 – Feb. 13, 2022                                                                                                      (Day 10)      Theme:          EPISODES OF JOY Texts:          Jer.33:10-13; Zeph.3:14,15; Jn.15:11; 16:24 We are about hitting the middle mark of the exercise and testimonies already abound of the doings of the Lord in our lives. Our message today is an assurance of what brethren are going to experience during and after this exercise. Topic:   MIRACLES FOR THE MULTITUDES Text:     Matt.8:1, 13-17 As the Lord Jesus descended from the mountain, a great multitude followed Him and He never hesitated to actualize the divine will of healing and deliverance (Matt.8:17, 3Jn.2). It was a miracle cantata. Our message shall answer 3 questions: What are miracles? Why are miracles? What must I do to enjoy miracles today? What are miracles? A miracle is an inexplicable supernatural occurrence. created by God or His agents for some divine purpose. They can come to inform of what is seen, felt, tasted, enjoyed etc (Gen.7:1-24, Exo.3:1-2, 14:21-28). Why are miracles? The following reasons can be adduced 1. To demonstrate God’s sovereignty (Ex.7:5, 1Kgs.18:16-17) 2. To deliver from danger (Ex.14:21-31) 3. To authenticate His messenger (Acts 2:22, Jn.10:25, 37-38, Mk.16:20, Ex.4:8) 4. To validate His message (Mk.16:20) 5. To produce faith in the unbelievers (Acts 3:6-11) 6. To power the faith of the believer (Acts 5:11, 9:36-42, Jn.2:11, 1Kgs.17:18-24) What must I do to enjoy miracles today? During rainy seasons, there are people that lack water because they don’t have storage facilities or vessels. In like manner, we are in the spiritual festival period – time of the latter rain, and so we need to prepare to have a steady flow of the Spirit. There are 2 classes of partakers of miracles viz beneficiaries and facilitators. Both classes need FAITH (Heb.11:1, Mk.11:23,24, Matt.19:26). The disciples lacked faith harpoon before their baptismal experience and so couldn’t achieve much (Matt.17:16-21). Equally, the neighbours of Jesus couldn’t also witness any great miracle because they lacked faith (Mk.6:4-6, cp Heb.4:2). Faith is a product of knowledge: knowledge of the truth of the ability of God and the reasons why there must be a manifestation of His power. (Jer.9:23,24; Jn.8:32; Gal.5:22) To boost your faith, consider the fact that: 1. God has not changed, and neither has His Christ (Mal.3:6, Heb.13:8) 2. The gospel is still the same (1Cor.2:4-5) 3. Signs are given to follow believers (Mk.16:20) 4. The disciples were given to stand in Christ’s stead (Jn.20:21) 5. The opposition (devils) is more daring now seeing that their time is virtually up (Matt.24:12, 1Tim.4:1 cp. Matt.8:29) 6. The glory of the end-time church is expected to be greater than the former (Eph.5:25-27) We must therefore rise in faith to enjoy the miracles of the Lord as we pray and make decrees.
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