




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 030122- (THE JOY OF JUBILEE)                                              WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                     FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    MARCH 2022 EDITION   Day 1 Theme:          THE JOY OF JUBILEE          Texts:            Lev.25:8-23, Isa.35:1-10

We give glory to the Almighty Father Who daily loads us with benefits, and has sustained us in His escalated grace following the last 21-days of spiritual exercise, and assuring us of a better tomorrow with episodes of joy.

Today, we are commencing our March spiritual exercise with an introductory message.

Our texts relay the prescribed jubilee event and the promised joy for a restored Israel.

We shall define joy; describe Jubilee and then do our analysis/application.

JOY is a state of delight and well-being that results from knowing and serving God. It is the fruit of a right relationship with God (Gal.5:22). It is experienced by God and divinely desired for His people (Isa.65:18-23, Jn.15:11, 16:24, 17:13).

JUBILEE was translated from the Hebrew word “yobel” meaning ‘ram’s–horn trumpet’ with which the jubilee year was pronounced. The year of jubilee was the 50th year after 7 cycles of seven years (Lev.25:10) in which yoked Israelites and land gained freedom. It was announced with the blast of a ram’s horn (Lev.25:9). It was a year of emancipation and restoration with attendant joy and jubilation.

At such a time (i) the land is rejuvenated through its Sabbath (Lev.25:11) (ii) the poor who couldn’t save much in the preceding year is permitted to glean the fields (cp. Ex.23:11) (iii) All lands returned to the original owners (Lev.25:1-34, 27:16-24) (iv) All property which the original owner had been obligated to sell was reverted to the original owner or his lawful heirs except for a few exceptions (cons. Lev.25:24-30, 27:17-21) (v) Every Israelite who had sold himself to any in the land because of poverty and remained unredeemed, was to be freed along with his children (Lev.25:39-46).

The jubilee had a levelling effect on Israel’s culture, giving everyone a chance for a new start; and rejuvenating families with the home return of bondmen. The year prevented the Israelites from oppressing one another (Lev.25:17) and served as a constant reminder of God’s interest in economic freedom (Ezk.46:17). Jubilee made it difficult to accumulate vast permanent holdings of wealth, as well as hindered pauperism (ct. Isa.5:8, Mic.2:2). It also taught Israelites that they were to live by faith and that the Lord would satisfy their needs (Ex.16:17-18).

The Lord Jesus came to fulfil the law which was a shadow of the real and He did accomplish His purpose (Col.2:14-17, Heb.10:1; Matt.5:17, Lk.4:14-19, Jn.8:31-32, Acts 10:38; Jn.19:28-30; Matt.2:22,23; Col.2:8-10,15).

The believer is therefore to enjoy the Jubilee of the church age (Isa.35:1-10, 2Cor.5:17)

Rise and declare your freedom (Rom.10:10).

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