
AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT (The Place of Perseverance in Prayer) – Day 10




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 010223- (AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT)                            WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                           2023 FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    Jan. 23 – Feb. 12, 2023  (Day 10)  Theme: AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT Texts:   Isa.25:1-8; 26:1-9; Acts 5:11-16 Topic: THE PLACE OF PERSEVERANCE IN PRAYER Subtexts: LK.18:1-7; ACTS 12:1-11

We are in a quick-fix, instant world, where technology has made for the efficient accomplishment of secular goals with a concomitant effect of impatience, spiritual clumsiness/lethargy on the populace. So, there is a need to address the vital quality called perseverance.

Perseverance is defined as the state of persistence in spite of opposition. It is about persistence (continuity) in the pursuit of a purpose until the aim is achieved. In the secular world, it takes perseverance to get to positions where one sees what others don’t see or possess what others don’t have. Those who have affected their generations have the testimony of perseverance in their endeavours.

In the Bible times, testimonies abound of people who against all odds got their goals because they persevered viz the Philistines (1Sam.4:9); Blind Bartimaus (Mk.10:40-52; Zaccheus (Lk.19:1-9), the invalid (Jn.5:1-8), Mary Magdalene (Jn.20:1-14), and Apostles Paul wrote exhorting on perseverance (2Cor.4:14-16; Heb.10:36,38,39).

The Lord Jesus taught perseverance in prayers alluding to the goodness and greatness of God (Lk.18:1-7; Matt.26:36-46). The early church woke up to the need after the loss of Apostle James (Acts 12:1-11).

We are contending with immortal spirits (not with Herods and Pharaohs that die and pass away), which know that their time is limited, and are furious; therefore we cannot afford to be undecided (2Cor.10:3-5; cp. Rev.12:12).

There is a need to seek the Lord and His strength now (1Chro.16:11; 2Chro.15:7; Ps.27:14). As in warfare, we are to amass all resources to contend with and neutralize the fortifications of the enemy, as we continually make our presentations at the court of Heaven (Neh.1:4; Ps.55:17; Eph.6:18; 1Thess.5:17; 2Thess.3:13).

The Lord does not fail those that seek Him (Isa.45:19; Lam.3:22-24), but rather does beyond their anticipation (Eph.3:20; Heb.10:23,36).

Perseverance in prayers yields: peace of mind (Phil.4:7), improves spiritual capacityfaith/experience (Rom.5:3-5; 1 Sam.17:37) and develops talents to optimum potential (Eccl.9:10).

We shall deploy our various prayer modules – supplication, intercession, praise, and worship to approach the Lord and tackle the challenges that confront us and our families.

Persistent prayers are part of our relationship with God.

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